WOW - This would be the first word I’d use to describe Kim and Brad’s wedding at Higher Eggbeer Farm. When I say it was up there, I really mean ‘UP THERE.’ For more than one reason too - this one was an absolute screamer for me and will last long in the memory of my all time fave’s.

Even though you just had to be there to appreciate it’s awesomeness - it ticked lots of boxes;

VENUE. Any wedding at Higher Eggbeer Farm is going to be stupendously amazing. If you want a rustic barn (that doesn’t really need decorating) in amongst some beautiful sceneryy, then this is your place.


GUESTS. These guys had a seriously awesome bunch of loved ones who kept the atmosphere and vibe of the day consistently through the roof ALL day. Even during that post-food coma slump.

WEATHER Need I say anymore that it went down in what will always be referred to as ‘the famous summer of ‘18.’

CEREMONY. Outside under the shade of the pagoda at the bottom of the garden against a flipping awesome backdrop. I love an outdoor ceremony, in case you didn’t notice.

POST-WEDDING RECEPTION. This was the foundation for what was to be the beginning of a wild feast of food and drink. Food was a smorgasbord of Mediterranean-inspired grub constructed by the lovely peeps at Seadog Foods. The drink seemed to come from a bottomless well of champagne - which is also one of my faves.

PHOTOS. If I don’t say so myself, the light was absolutely incredible and we all totally lucked out. It was just beautiful, they were beautiful and the backdrop of the Devon fields was just incredible.

PARTY. The cherry on the cake; any post-wedding formalities that result in everyone jumping into the pool at the stroke of midnight gets one of the biggest ticks of all for me.

I hope the pictures tell the story and you can agree that tick is justifiable.

All there’s left to Kim and Brad is that I salute you… now take that bow.